Leading Through Crisis
A conversation series for leaders by leaders
Dealing with Workplace Conflict
In this episode, I talk to Karin Hurt and David Dye about dealing with workplace conflict, communication in conflict, and the greatest-of-all-time power phrases you can rely on to achieve your desired outcomes.
2023 Year In Review
It’s that time again… In this episode, we look back on the conversations from 2023. Listen in as Céline shares her biggest takeaways, favorite guests, what’s changed (or hasn’t) in the leadership space, and so much more!
Leading Across Cultures with Andrew Swiler
In this episode, we are talking to Entrepreneur, Investor & CEO Andrew Swiler about his experience taking over a Ukranian company 3 months after the war started. We also get into what HRMS software is, what it can do, and why it matters – now, more than ever.
Feminine Leadership with Gen Retzlaff
This week, we are talking to coach and consultant Gen Retzlaff about balanced leadership, the notion and reality of “masculine” and “feminine” traits, the problem with binaries, and what to do about power (whether we are currently in a position of wielding it or not).
Front Line Managers with Summer Davies
In this episode, we're talking about (and to) front-line managers with leadership development expert, Summer Davies. We also get into some of middle management's biggest struggles, like prioritization and micromanaging, as well as what to do about them. And express our gratitude for this integral and important role.
Learning From Mistakes with Dr. Bev Kaye
In this episode, Dr. Bev Kaye, a career development and retention/engagement expert, shares four decades of wisdom from the field, as well as her conviction that unpacking experiences and learning from mistakes is crucial for all of us (but especially when it comes to retaining talent).
Cut the Bullshit with Dr. J.J. Kelly
In this episode, Dr. J.J. Kelly, The Punk Rock Doc, talks to us about how to process anger, release emotions, and cut the bullshit to increase our emotional intelligence.
Current Business Problems (and Solutions) with Laurel Rutledge
If you’re in business right now, you need to hear this. Today’s guest, Laurel Rutledge breaks down two of the biggest challenges in business at the moment, as well as how to navigate them best.