Leading Through Crisis
A conversation series for leaders by leaders
Highest and Best Use Leadership with Robert Jordan
This week’s guest, Robert Jordan is a Founder and CEO of Interim Execs, as well as Co-Author of the book, Right Leader, Right Time. We discuss the four winning styles of leadership, discovering your highest and best use, successful leadership traits, and so much more. Join us for this endlessly fun conversation!
Women of Color in the Workplace with Deepa Purushothaman
Today's guest, Deepa Purushothaman talks to us about women of color in the workplace and redefining power in corporate America. Join us for this important conversation.
Financial Planning for Recession with Jackie Porter
As we are trending toward a recession and many people have already started to feel the pinch, award-winning Financial Planner, Jackie Porter reminds us what to focus on and how to find our next, best steps.
Getting Clear: Values Alignment in Leadership with Caryn Gillen
"You can be in the struggle of judging yourself for the values you actually have or you can be in the struggle of living the values you actually have - it's a similar caloric load but only one gives you alignment." In this episode of the podcast, Performance + Leadership Coach, Caryn Gillen talks to us about values alignment and shares some fun stories from her commercial fishing days.
Disaster Proof Your Business with Lance Mortlock
In this episode, I connect with Senior Strategist, Lance Mortlock about scenario planning and how to disaster-proof your business. This conversation will help you be more resilient and feel more prepared for any changes that may come.
Creating a Successful Hybrid Work Environment with Karin Reed
In today's episode, Emmy award-winning journalist and CEO of Speaker Dynamics, Karin Reed talks to us about creating a successful hybrid work environment and managing the modern meeting.
How Gratitude Can Change Your Life with Lorraine Widmer-Carson
Today, we are talking to Lorraine Widmer-Carson all about gratitude. We discuss finding your own way to be grateful and making sure it doesn't get trite, as well as how gratitude is a prosocial motivator.
Self-Reflection in Leadership with Adam Rosen
Today, we are talking to Adam Rosen, Entrepreneur and Founder of the Email Outreach Company, about accepting responsibility and self-reflection in leadership. "I can't control what anyone else does but I CAN control what I do."