Episode 35 - Embracing Discomfort with Mike Shoreman
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None of us like to be uncomfortable. Let's admit it, we all want things to stay the same and be as predictable as possible so we know what we are up against as we move through the world. In fact, we are so committed to being comfortable that we end up resisting change even when it's going to be positive for us in the end! It's one of the great ironies of being human: the one thing that is inevitable is change and the one thing we struggle with consistently: change.
I mean...
My guest on today's podcast, Mike Shoreman, has faced uncertainty, change, and discomfort in ways many of us can't begin to imagine and is now living proof that crisis creates opportunity.
Mike was at the peak of his entrepreneurial life (up until that point, at least) when out of nowhere he faced a health challenge that threw everything he knew into question. What would you do if everything you thought you knew about how things worked suddenly came crashing down around you?
In this episode, Mike (an author, speaker, advocate, and SUP Man of the Year) shares his story, reflects on how he made it to where he is today, and asks some really profound questions that will help anyone who finds themselves in a tough spot. He also talks about what's on the horizon for him and the exciting adventure he's embarking on this summer.
I was very lucky to have met Mike earlier this year and, now, to count him amongst my friends. One of the most admirable things about him (and trust me when I say there are many) is his unwavering belief in the importance of leading ourselves in challenging times. And, that if we aren't sharing our stories and lessons openly and vulnerably, we aren't setting people up to learn and grow from (and with) each other.
One of the things Mike shared, that I believe is incredibly profound, is that when he was going through some of his darkest and most challenging times, getting help from people changed his attitude and belief in himself entirely. Because, even when he didn't believe in himself, the fact that other people believed in him encouraged him to keep moving forward.
And that's the power of community and connection, why it's so important to learn and grow together.
As Mike says, "growth can be a very scary, challenging, uncomfortable thing -- it's meant to be. And, it's a good thing because it sends us in a new direction. It's how we do the amazing things."
Amazing things often come from change and growth. Because it’s at the edges of our comfort that we grow and stretch and learn the most. Whether we are taking small steps to move forward in a continuous way, or we are leaping forward because we have been waiting for the opportunity to change all our lives, the important thing is that we are taking the steps to move forward at all. Stepping out of our comfort zone doesn't have to mean stepping into another world entirely, and it's important to remember that the consistency of the steps we take matters much more than the size of them.
If there's one thing I know, it's that Mike Shoreman is going to continue to do amazing things no matter where life takes him. Mike's mission is to be the first person with a disability to cross international waters in August of 2021. He will be traveling (via paddleboard) from Rochester, NY to Toronto, Ontario, challenging stereotypes of differently-abled people, as well as raising money and awareness around mental health.
I am proud to support Mike and his commitment to improving mental health outcomes for youth in every province and territory in Canada. And I would invite you all to join me in supporting him here: www.jack.org/thecrossing.
To learn more about Mike, you can find him online at http://mikeshoreman.org/. He is also on Facebook and Instagram (@TheUnbalancedPaddleboarder), LinkedIn, and Twitter.
His book, “Diaries of The Unbalanced Paddleboarder: Crash and RISE,” can be purchased in most places books are sold.