Leading Through Crisis
A conversation series for leaders by leaders
The Power of Storytelling in Business with Elaine Bennett
There is one thing people are not doing but easily could be to make their communication more effective. In this episode, we explore the power of storytelling, particularly as it pertains to leadership and business.
Rethinking Career Development with Julie Winkle Giulioni
Work and careers have changed, over the last couple of years especially, but career development hasn't. We are in a fascinating time where we have the opportunity to look at everything differently... This episode explores HOW to increase employee satisfaction and engagement.
Perfectionism and Procrastination with Audrey Holst
In this episode, we explore the difference between excellence and perfectionism, how procrastination is often tied to perfectionism, and what to do if you suspect you might be a perfectionist who is ready to make a change.
Design Thinking Mindset with Tutti Taygerly
Today's guest, Tutti Taygerly is an Executive Coach and former Design Leader for companies like Facebook and Disney.
We talk about the mindset and process of design thinking, as well as how it can be helpful for leaders and companies.
We cover:
- how to recognize and name assumptions
- intention setting vs. goal setting
- dreaming big and redefining "failure"
- 50/50 goals
- slowing down to speed up
Episode 43 - 2021 Year in Review with Céline Williams
Reflecting on the past year and setting the groundwork for what is yet to come. Join me for a year in review! Let’s celebrate the wins, recognize the challenges/losses, get into my biggest takeaways and talk about what’s next. Thank you for listening this year and making us one of Canada’s Top 20 Leadership Podcasts!
Episode 42 - Lead from Your Heart with Mike Horne
Authenticity is important because when our words and actions don't match people don't trust us. And, without trust, it's very difficult to get things done in an organization. In this episode, learn how to be more authentic, lead from the heart and develop alignment on purpose!
Episode 41 - The Power of Pivoting in Business with Marie Incontrera
The willingness to change and do things differently is imperative in running a successful and sustainable business. Join us for a conversation about creativity, knowing when to shift, and the human side of business.
Episode 40 - Gender Equality at Work with Paul Harrietha & Holly Catalfamo
In today's conversation, I am speaking to Paul Harrietha & Holly Catalfamo, co-authors of the book, "The Invisible Rules: What's Really Holding Women Back in Business--and How to Fix It." It's a compelling book based on extensive research and one-on-one interviews with 50 senior female leaders from across Canada.